From Unconscious Bias To Conscious Inclusion

For Organisations Only

In-House Training

  • Face-to-face (Half or full day for <15 people)
  • Live Virtual (3hrs for <15 people)
  • Conferences and events (<500 people)
  • Webinar (1hr for <1000 people)
  • With or without actors
  • Fully customisable


From Unconscious Bias to Conscious Inclusion – 2 Days

What impact does unconscious bias have on our day-to-day interactions? Many studies show organisations are losing or missing out on great talent because of bias. Simply raising awareness is not enough to drive meaningful change, so with this course we take participants beyond unconscious bias awareness, to move towards being consciously inclusive.

Through eye-opening case studies, and the option to include drama on live virtual programmes, this course is designed to equip participants with practical knowledge and confidence to guard against unconscious bias, recognise how it may show up in their day to day, and commit to meaningful actions to being consciously inclusive.