Sales skills Training

For Organisations Only

In-house training

  • Face-to-face (flexible structure <15 people)
  • Live virtual (flexible structure <15 people)
  • Conferences and events (<500 people)
  • Webinar (1hr introduction <1000 people)
  • With or without actors
  • Fully customisable


Sales Skills – 2 Days

This practical and comprehensive sales skills development programme has been designed for anyone new to sales, or for those sales executives, who have not received any formal training.

The content will be tailored to suit the client’s products and, or services, ensuring everything is appropriate to those attending. Content is built around a consultative style, using the sales cycle which follows the sales process from introduction to closing the sale.  The course is evenly paced allowing for participants to adapt the learning to their own selling situations. The programme is delivered over two-days.