Maximising Achievements Training
For Organisations Only
In-house training
- Face-to-face (flexible structure <15 people)
- Live virtual (flexible structure <15 people)
- Conferences and events (<500 people)
- Webinar (1hr introduction <1000 people)
- With or without actors
- Fully customisable
Maximising Achievements – 2 Days
This versatile Maximising Achievement course has taken the best techniques from time, self-management & goal setting programmes. It will be of benefit to any team leader, or manager who is working to improve the way they manage their time, set priorities and manage goals.
Whilst the programme contains an essential amount of theory, its focus is on helping delegates to develop effective and practical strategies they can apply immediately within their day-to-day management role. It provides insight into personal behaviours and work styles. Barriers to success are explored, as is how to deal with timewasters. The course is highly practical providing a range of easily useable techniques.
Course Content
Self- Management
We start by considering how we feel when we work with people who are disorganised and what impact this can have on people and situations. What are the advantages of being organised and efficient, and how will this reflect on us as individuals, including career prospects? Self-management is more than just a list of techniques, it is a mindset, so using a questionnaire we start to build understanding on individuals’ personal approaches to self-management. So how can we demonstrate our ability to self-manage?
Self-Management Techniques
Practical and useable techniques include developing a system to be organised, planning skills, streamlining work areas and personal effects, making time for thinking, delegating not always doing, personal presentation and appearance
What are we looking to achieve?
Here participants are invited to consider what they would like to achieve from both life in general and their working lives. We highlight the importance of considering life-work balance and setting achievable goals and objectives. We assess through the Ribbon Exercise, how much time do we realistically have.
How to use time wisely
Having considered goals and objectives, working individually, we explore the need to be ruthless with time and gracious with people by using a well-known Time Matrix to plot priorities. We uncover techniques to deal with time wasters and distractions, by using a highly effective tool The 3-Step Technique to increase assertiveness. The 7 Step delegation plan will also be introduced.
Putting it all into practice
We look at the advantages and disadvantages of using different electronic tools including Outlook, mobiles and specialised products such as Evernote. We discuss ‘are paper based systems and diaries dead or do they still have merit’?
During the final session, participants are involved in preparing a three-month plan, using the techniques learned. These plans will focus on those things they each want to achieve, their goals and objectives.
Let's get started...
Contact us with your availability for a call and we will send you a proposal, programme outline and quotation for your learning and development project.
Use Actors in Your Training
Through clever script writing, goose-bump inducing delivery and professional facilitation we can bring so much to life. We stimulate emotion, penetrate the long-term memory and create lasting change.
When we use live drama, we are able to have the actors play out the scenario and then be hot seated for the audience to ask them questions whilst they remain in character. Hot seating works so well because actors work with a pre-rehearsed backstory, so they are able to respond in character. They progressively reveal unexpected elements of their story that will not have previously been told. It can bust assumptions that the audience might have made based on the scenario (situation) but not fully understanding the impact at first sight.
Using actors in this programme enables us to bring to:
- See a typical situation from a different perspective
- Give attendees a chance to challenge the actors whilst they are still in character
- Demonstrate that things aren’t always what they seem at first glance
- Provide delegates with an opportunity to test out alternative ways of approaching different situations
- Create an experience which stays in the long-term memory
Case Study

Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
Upskilling engineering, architectural and bio-medical graduates“I want to take the chance to thank you again for this wonderful course, it’s been my absolute pleasure and honour to be trained by you. I honestly learned a lot during this week, I hope we will keep in touch.”