Facilitation Skills Training

For Organisations Only

In-house training

  • Face-to-face (flexible structure <15 people)
  • Live virtual (flexible structure <15 people)
  • With or without actors
  • Fully customisable


Facilitation Skills – 2 Days

This two-day programme can be delivered either as live virtual, or in person. The highly participative and practical design provides a mix of learning and practical application. The course includes a lot of practice sessions, with attendees receiving feedback from the course facilitator. For this reason, cohort sizes are restricted to a maximum of 12 attendees.

The content is suitable for those who must facilitate as part of their roles, for example HR specialists, managers, leaders, sales teams, trainers, etc. The content design is highly participative and interactive with attendees involved with learning activity, group discussions, questionnaires and individual reflection and application.