Leadership Agility & Building Resilience

For Organisations Only

In-house training

  • Face-to-face (flexible structure <15 people)
  • Live virtual (flexible structure <15 people)
  • Conferences and events (<500 people)
  • Webinar (1hr introduction <1000 people)
  • With or without actors
  • Fully customisable


Encouraging Leadership Agility and Building Resilience – 2 Days

We live in a world of constant, unpredictable change and it’s widely accepted that traditional approaches to management and leadership are becoming increasingly less effective.

By exploring our own agility and resilience as leaders, this two-day course, connects leaders with the capabilities required to lead in complex and uncertain environments. The participants will consider how they can empower their teams, support the vital role of line managers and supervisors, and set clear actions to develop sustainable initiatives.