Disrupting comfort zones

For Organisations Only

In-house training

  • Face-to-face (flexible structure <15 people)
  • Live virtual (flexible structure <15 people)
  • Conferences and events (<500 people)
  • Webinar (1hr introduction <1000 people)
  • With or without actors
  • Fully customisable


Disrupting Comfort Zones and Leading Change – 2 Days

Many organisations have cultural norms that act as barriers to things like creativity, inclusion, and innovation. There are many studies that show where organisations are very hierarchical, or where there is a cultural fear of failure, then creativity and innovation are hindered.

During this two-day course, we will explore what our own comfort zones look like and the value of moving out of comfort zones for our personal growth and leadership success. We will consider how, as leaders, we can role model a growth mindset and influence the systems, culture, and behaviours around us to create a more creative and innovative working environment.