Govia Thameslink Railway: Unconscious Bias in Recruitment Training with Actors

“RightTrack have been a dream to work with, anticipating our needs, adapting to some very difficult times and reacting to our changing situation in a professional and supportive manner.

Steve Parker, Talent Development Specialist, Govia Thameslink Railway

The Story

Back in the pre-Covid days, Govia Thameslink Railway approached us to design and deliver Unconscious Bias for 400 Hiring Managers. The programme was designed as a face-to-face learning experience integrated with live actors to provide a real-life interactive experience for delegates.

“Initially I was reluctant to move the training from face-to-face to a virtual platform. Virtual learning was new to us and we were having mixed experiences of live-online learning. But as Covid did not seem to be going away, I agreed with RightTrack to re-design the classroom events to 2 x 90 minute virtual workshops. In the short term I was concerned about how the interactions from the classroom events would transfer to an on-line forum. I should not have been concerned; the training was highly interactive with actors playing out scenarios that worked equally well on-line. Feedback from attendees has been very positive indeed.

“Once delivery finishes in the New Year we intend to look at another programme with Right Track aimed at the rest of our 600+ Leadership workforce and will be more than happy to consider virtual training as well as classroom if we are able.” Steve Parker, Talent Development Specialist

The Programme Outcomes

  • Understand the filters through which we view and interpret ourselves and other people in the context of recruitment and selection and day to day interactions
  • Appreciate how unconscious bias can adversely affect judgement and decision making and negatively impact on selection during the shortlisting and interview process
  • Experience what micro inequities are and how they can influence performance and decisions
  • Learn how different biases affect rapport building, interaction and the effectiveness of a recruitment interview
  • Understand the importance of inclusive language that avoids marginalising people who are already marginalised
  • Contextualise to your organisational norms and processes
  • Take away practical hints and tips to guard against unconscious bias in recruitment & selection and everyday decision making

    Enquire for Full Outline & Quote

Other stats:

91% – trainer rating

96% – recommend RightTrack training

89% – interactivity of the virtual sessions

91% – overall satisfaction rate

And finally, a little introduction to two characters that featured: